Nommalorel's Sakuga and Life XP

Got fired

Got fired from the company i just started working at. Main reasons was because of money. They slipped 7 days to pay the prices to us so it just got me into a state of PTSD i used to be working to be able to work in the past. I was working in a job that i thought it was important so even though it was not making any money i wanted to keep working in that job so in order to do that i started working at another job at the same time to be able to sponsor myself in working in my main job. At the last my whole routine became just like wake up -> work -> sometimes dont sleep -> work -> pass out -> work and it was quite unbearable to take on to be honest. I remember listening to SHIN GODZILLA CLINICAL DEPRESSION THEME. I was literally singing this song to myself while working.

I have beared it just to do the thing i love and ended up not even being able to do the thing that i love out of burnout and both not really earning money at all. All my money was going to my family anyway.

Well i might overreact but because of those past events i am now a bit too alertful to any kind of little mistake that goes in a work environment. It is a bit bad i know but still...

If they did not fire me i was going to quit anyway. The situation the company is in is not really that good so i already decided to quit before they fired me actually. So it was kind of bound to happen but it is just disproudening to be fired rather than quitting yourself.

On the good side i am working on an actual anime project right now :] which is quite fun and i really like to do. Though it is not really guaranteed for something to happen from that i will just do it for doing's sake.

So yeah these are my thoughts this morning.

Have a good day :]