Nommalorel's Sakuga and Life XP

John The Whistler - I'm in love

John The Whistler - I'm in love

So this song is very important for both of my childhood and currently too. I was listening to this song 24/7 when i was a kid. I learnt this song from my elder brother. He had a huge music archive and always found interesting songs. I quite like his taste in songs to be honest. I would not find this song if it was not because of him.

Now before we start talking about the music i need to mention that if a song has a music video for it then i almost cannot listen to that song without watching it's music video. I must at least watch it once. Because most people don't realise but music videos are basicly very efficient short movies and they are very efficient at conveying a lot of things from cinematography to pure emotions. So i always take a song with it's music video. When you take the music video away i think it takes at least half of the experience from the song.

Meaning and Breakdown of the music and it's video

So the lyrics pretty much state that the protagonist is deeply in love with someone or with something and is dedicated to reach out to that spesific thing or someone. As the lyrics state the character does not care what anyone says about his love all he cares is his love at that moment. He does not care about past nor future, he does not care what will happen next. All he cares is the love he feels for the thing at the moment and that is all.

At first glance it seems so lovely and so romantic right ? Yet if we watch the music video we will see a different narrative that is not so different than the narrative of the lyrics yet critical in the sense of what the song tries to mean. We see that our protagonist goes against all odds and every hardship and upset he feels on his way to his love. He endures so much for his love. He loves his love so much that he does not even realise that it is a one-way love. At 2:40 we see that the moon (his love) is trying to run away from him and he tries to capture his love by force. As he states HE DOES NOT CARE about anything so he also does not care about if his love is two-way or one-way. So he somehow captures his love at the end and he is really happy for that. Yet at the end when he brings his love back at home he kind of forgets about his love, it is not that important anymore since he achieved what he wanted "capturing his love". While he was keeping his love at his hands by grabbing it constantly forcefully a bell rings at the door of his house and as he checks the bell around he literally forgets to hold his love and his forcefully captured love runs away immediately because that he did not care about his love anymore after succesfully capturing it.

The song is about a tunnel visioned loving idiot trying to capture his love for himself and no one else. Even for his love itself. Ending up losing his love.

So the lesson is kids, do love something if you will love it after capturing it too. Do not just let it turn into a trophy.

Have a good day