Nommalorel's Sakuga and Life XP


Hello! Being a professional artist it might be a little weird that only now that i managed to fill out a sketchbook. However i always had a hard time getting into drawing. I always liked animating way more than drawing and that always kept my drawing skills behind than what it should be but after reading the "principles of art history by H.Wöfflin" and "Complete drawings of Leonardo Da vinci by TASHEN" and also "How to draw by Scott Robertson" i finally got interested in drawing itself rather than drawing for something else. So i discovered that drawing is EXTREMELY fun :D. In this post i will show only the more important drawings in my sketchbook and will try to convey my thoughts and feelings when i was drawing them.


This is the first drawing on my sketchbook. It is an imaginary truck made by Brewer grid method. I was pretty pleased when i managed to finish it :].


Another vehicle made by setting up a brewer grid. I made this while a very boring conversation was going on on the discord server. They were making a meeting about pointless stuff about the company.

Study of a head of a woman from the drawings of Leonardo da vinci
My drawing The original

I made this study after leonardo da vinci's study of "head of a girl". Apparently i both tried to use the loomis method and the brewer method at the same time. Could not get it right enough :D. However i think it looks fine. :]

Study of JUDAS from last supper from the drawings of Leonardo da vinci
Another study of Leonardo Da Vinci's studies. This one is from his study of LAST SUPPER. The person he studies is JUDAS i guess.
Anime head study from profile

I was working at an anime production at the time (a production that a very good friend of mine was helping me to get into the industry with.). I was struggling with drawing anime heads from profile so at a night before sleep i drew this one. An anime head from profile bu i guess the eye is too wide for this drawing. I tried to make a scene by drawing another figure at the right side but i could not do it well :D.


Oh i am extremely proud with this one. If i remember correctly it was at the same night i drew this with the anime head study from profile. I was essentially just going to draw a standart side to side fight scene like i was always doing before but then i changed my mind and used brewer method to set up a perspective grid on the scene which made it completely better. I would like to say that this one is the FIRST BEST DRAWING i have done :].

Study of Leonardo Da Vinci's hand sketches
Another study that i have done using Leonardo Da Vinci's sketches. This time for hands.
Anime girl attempt
Apparently i tried to just draw an anime girl here. It ended up looking a little bit like my girlfriend here. Which i like. :].

I had a lot of stuff going thru my mind at the time i drew this. I was thinking that i am useless and i cannot even make the people that i care happy. Suicide by jumping thru the window was coming and going thru my head. So without knowing what to draw i drew this stupid ass face. :D.

EMO ass drawing

Even tho it looks cringe ass hell. I kinda like it.

Another study from Leonardo and random figures

I probably first drew the face by looking at Leonardo's drawings and after i failed to do so i probably drew those random figures since those are what i am best at.

A lot of figures

I was crying when i was making this. I was a lot vulnerable at that moment. So i probably drew a lot of figures since those are the easiest for me.

Proportional Head
My drawing The Original

Another study from Da Vinci's drawings. This time a proportional one.

Another anime girl attempt

Sitting boy

I am rather proud about this one. I think it looks pretty good. :].

Leg muscle studies from Leonardo Da Vinci's sketches
My drawing The Original
Running guy

I drew this after i had an argument online about drawing movement and gestures. I told that for one to draw movement one must know how to move themselves. Tho they disagreed. So i just drew this from imagination. I do think that the sillhouette could be better especially for the arm that is behind the guy's body.

Girl gesture
Another one i drew for the sake of argument. Yet this one actually does not prove anything :D.
Hand studies from imagination

I drew these after i watched a ton of videos on how to draw hands from youtube. There are still a lot that i have to work on hands. They are hard.

This one was for my sweetheart. :]. So i gave it to her. She liked it a lot xD.

Here is a choco milk for you. Thank you for reading my post :].

Have a good day.