Nommalorel's Sakuga and Life XP

Tech world is weird

For this past week i was actually not working. I took a break and i have these weird "obsession filled" weeks here at times and this was one of them. It all started with "yt-dlp". It is a commandline program that can download almost any video from any website with just a simple command. Which made me get amazed by it. The idea of not even having to open a browser to download or run a program and have whatever you wanted got to my head and so i started searching. Oh boy was it a deep rabbithole. after yt-dlp i learnt about rclone and imagemagick. Rclone is basicly a cloud storage management system which makes everything way easier than official alternatives and imagemagick is just a waaay more convenient and powerful way to convert and alter images and quickly too. Then came ffmpeg which made me throw out the Media Encoder out of the window. It can do all sorts about videos. This power was getting to me i needed more. I NEEDED MORE COMMANDLINE PROGRAMS.


Then i discovered IRC. Which i already knew from my childhood days watching my elder brother use it but he was using the Mirc client which i did not know it was just an irc client. I always thought that the Mirc was THE irc. This very basic chatroom system blew my mind. There was no notifications, no distractions no account making no nothing. THIS WAS JUST THE THING I WAS LOOKING FOOR. Oh god it was great. It did not end there tho. After discovering irc i also wanted to consume all my message media from terminal too. I discovered the "discordo" which makes it so that the discord runs on terminal. It was really getting to my head at this moment. It was great. But at the same time it was consuming me too. I was spending all my time searching about these trying to find the next best thing. Then i decided that i was going to install a virtual machine on my pc and install debian on it.

It was a pain trying to get this work. I started with WSL i was able to use the debian terminal just fine. i was like "wait thats it ? where is the whole desktop thing?" then i learnt that i need wsl 2 for that. So i tried to installl that too. IT WAS A PAIIIIIIIIIIIIN. I set up everything after messing about it for 2 days and everything was set up but i could not really use it. It was not starting. So i gave up at that moment and uninstalled wsl and debian from my computer. Then i installed hexchat to still connect to irc since now i did not had an irssi client running on a linux system. I was talking about this event on irc then one person said that i just should use Hyper-V. Long thing short IT WORKED YEYYYYYY. It was great! A linux distro was running on my computer. Was it great tho ? The thing is it was using all my pc's resources. I know there is probably a way to do it very well but i am a tech noob and i don't really know much about these stuff. So i gave up on that and uninstalled my Hyper-V stuff and reinstalled wsl debian to use irssi. For some reason... i was not able to. It just did not connect to any server. Then i uninstalled debian once again downloading the hexchat. It was fine (definitely worse than irssi) but i noticed it was not connecting to some particular servers. So i decided to find another irc client which i did. The name is KVirc. It looks even worse than hexchat but it connects to all the servers i wanted it to. So i just make do with it rn. So in short i broke my beautiful irssi client... On top of that KVirc kind of breaks some stuff that are good with irc. Such as not getting any notificiations...

So we are here. To be honest it was very fun messing with these stuff since i learnt a ton and they will be useful to me in some parts of my life. For example i am definitely keeping irc,yt-dlp,ffmpeg,rclone and imagemagick. They are life savers. Tho i should get back to my usual grind at this point.